The Queue Replenishment Meeting plays a role in a Kanban Project (wich is a project management method that's aligned towards continuous improvement). In Kanban, the workflow is visualized on a Kanban board, where tasks (in the form of tickets/cards) pass through various process steps (e.g. analysis, development, testing, release). So-called WiP limits apply here for each process step, i.e. the number of tasks processed (work-in-progress) per process step is limited in order to increase the throughput time and optimise the quality of work. In other words: Only a few tasks are processed in parallel.

Since WiP limits apply, only a limited number of tasks can therefore be fed into the work process. But which tasks, and in which order? This decision is made in the Queue Replenishment Meeting. Here the "clients" compete for the capacities of the Kanban team. For this purpose, tasks are collected (backlog) and then - after selection by the meeting - transferred to the input queue of the Kanban process. Often rules apply to the backlog to make the evaluation process as efficient as possible, for example: Backlog items older than 6 months are deleted, since they are assumed to be of little relevance.


The author is a manager in the software industry with international expertise: Authorized officer at one of the large consulting firms - Responsible for setting up an IT development center at the Bangalore offshore location - Director M&A at a software company in Berlin.